
eWell Has Non-Stop Benefits for International Travel

As an expat living in Greece, taking the long-haul flight home, Atlanta to Athens, has (or had?) always been accompanied with hours of extreme swelling in my feet and ankles. But not this time!!! Funny thing is that this condition had become so commonplace I didn’t notice otherwise until I was in baggage claim! Truly remarkable.


I began wearing the e-Well Puck three weeks before departure, pretty much 24/7 in hopes of reducing inflammation. I had the option of a far infrared pad that my husband had been using for a shoulder injury but this meant being plugged in for at least 30 minutes once to twice per day– I opted for this device because of the non-stop benefit from continual wear and the added bonus of it containing shungite.


I’m home now, still sporting my e-Well Puck and I’m happy to say that my swims are farther, my sleep is more restful, and my ankles, well, I can actually see them ;)


Tad and Kelly, thank you for contributing this essential piece of armor for better health. It’s become my hydration booster.


Xoxo Maria Porter

How eWell helps Pets
eWell for Better Sleep, Better Workouts