eWell Puck for Horses

All the eWell Health Benefits for You and Your Horses

Discover the eWell Puck — a non-electronic and medicine-free tool to improve your horses' wellbeing.

The eWell Puck emits gentle far infrared “light” therapy that is a lot like what horses enjoy when they are relaxing outside in the morning sun.

The eWell Halter Puck can slide onto the top of your horse’s halter and is durable enough to 'weather' wearing during turnout.  

When it’s worn on the halter below the ear and near the jaw, it is close to where twelve pairs of cranial nerves intersect. This includes the vagus nerve, which is the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system. This system controls functions such as digestion, heart rate, and immune system.

Like other prey animals, horses have a highly developed sense of energy perception. Their fight/flight instincts have been key to their survival over the past 55 million years. It’s the parasympathetic nervous system that is at work when they are quiet. It decreases alertness, blood pressure, and heart rate, and helps with calmness, relaxation, and digestion.

Innovative Saddle Technology, Thera-Tree® for Therapy, and Now eWell Pucks

This innovative technology was developed by double Olympic gold medalist Tad Coffin from a lifetime of combined expertise in horsemanship and wellness.

For years, horses using our SmartRide Rx® saddles and Thera-Tree® equine therapy devices have benefited from the very same technology as what’s in the eWell Puck — experiencing significant improvements in hydration, skin quality, muscle tone and recovery, joint flexibility, relaxation, digestive functioning, cardiovascular performance and lymphatic system circulation.

Studies with horses (who have no placebo effect) show consistently lower heart rates and faster post exercise cardiovascular recovery.

After ecstatic feedback from horse owners who have been experimenting placing the saddle technology in their homes, we've made the smaller eWell Puck. It's the same innovation as what’s in our saddles — and it fits on your horse's halter.

Why They Need It

Today’s environment is very different from that in which they were naturally created. Like us, horses live under invisible bombardment from a constant array of frequencies from cell phones, radio waves, WiFi signals, and LED lights. Many people believe that increased exposure to these frequencies of light is a source of chronic dehydration and anxiety in people, so it stands to reason that our equine friends may be suffering the same.

The eWell Puck helps to counteract this by emitting a “light” energy in a beneficial red light spectrum. It also contains shungite, which has a crystalline structure that acts as a shield against non-native light.

Some horses are extraordinarily aware, even about things that we don’t notice. For an animal that is constantly toggling between a sympathetic (stressed) state to a parasympathetic (calm) state, bioelectricity is everything. Even as we seek to understand their complexities, we are on the outer edges of what they know and feel. 

We have brought them into our world, and it’s complicated for them.

We do know for sure that the eWell Puck imparts something that many horses find soothing.

Signs of Release

Yawning, Licking & Chewing

"After easily slipping on the eWell Puck for halters, I put it on two different thoroughbreds in my barn, one that is antsy in the crossties and one that is not a big fan of being in the stall. Within minutes it caused instant relaxation. Both boys were so much more calm and happy, licking, chewing, and yawning in less than 5 minutes. I am so happy I want one for every horse!“

- Jamie Jennings, Flyover Farm
(Monty Roberts Instructor)

How eWell Creates Harmony

Horse owners report that the eWell Puck helps their horses recover from age-related stiffness, as well as muscle soreness from training. They consistently report a lessening of anxiety and the behavioral issues that are often associated with it. 

Think of choosing the eWell Puck for smoother farrier and vet visits. Put the Puck on your horse’s halter for less stress during shipping, as this technology supports hydration and digestion. It is also great for stall rest and layups, as it fosters cellular rebuilding. If you use it during bath time and it gets wet that’s no problem, you just need to care for it the way you would any other bit of leather, just put a little saddle soap on it. It’s medicine free, requires no extra supervision, never needs to be charged. There are no batteries to replace and they can’t get “too much” of it.

The wellness benefits that the eWell Puck brings are all due to the way water becomes more bio-available when in the “field” of this technology, which is about 4’. If your horse’s halter is hanging near his water buckets, it’s still working toward keeping him healthy. (For further info about this emerging water science, please explore the resources at top of this website.)

This technology works for dogs, too! The Dog Collar Puck has a Velcro closure and is designed to go everywhere your dog goes, right on their collar or harness. For homes or farms with a variety of animal interactions, the soothing technology fosters peace and stability in the home or in the barnyard.

8 Ways to Wellness

Better Sleep

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Better Hydration

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Pain Relief

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Reduced Anxiety

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EMF Protection & Blue Light Blocking

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Physical Recovery

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More Energy

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Reduced Inflammation

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For Horses and Horsemen

If you’re ready to experience what medicine-free wellness is like for yourself or your horses, try an eWell Puck today!